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Discover Your Brand

Brand archetypes are a conversation starter for discovering your brand's authentic essence. To receive a free brand audit including your archetype overview, schedule your free brand audit by sending us an email!

Brand Personality: Freedom

Brand personalities - or brand archetypes - are the shortcuts to how we connect and build relationships with our leads, prospects, clients, and customers.


Your company's brand personality is a key piece in the roadmap for all of your business decisions including how you speak to prospects, what to say in your newsletters, how to decorate your office, and how you lead a presentation.


As a business owner, it's likely that your business personality and your own personality have some overlap. However, while you are a dynamic and complex individual, your company should follow the 70/30 rule, meaning your vibe and voice are about 70% primary personality and 30% secondary personality.

If your brand is based on Freedom:

  • Your brand is all about supporting freedom and authenticity for your clients/customers.

  • You are an idealist, explorer, or educator.

  • Your company is here to provide a product or service that is needed for reliability, understanding, or adventure.

Read through this guide to discover more about the three primary structure brand personalities and see which one most resonates with you and your company.

Demeter, the Innocent


Demeter, the Greek Olympian goddess of agriculture, abundance, plants, and seasons.

She is the cultivator of happiness, optimism, simplicity, trust, and hope. Demeter radiates optimism and idealism.

Brand Messages:

Free to be you and me.

The glass is half full.

Brand Voice:

Clear, honest, idealistic, optimistic, hopeful, safe, happy, wholesome, sincere

Brand Vibe:

Simplistic, soft imagery, elements from nature, texture, natural light, food and drink, flowers, muted colors especially white, yellow, green

Core Desires:

To be safe and happy.

To do things right.

Friendship, happiness, simple joys, companionship.


Dove, Dawn, Coca-Cola, Disney

Artemis, the Seeker


Artemis, the Greek Olympian goddess of wild animals, the moon, nature, and healing.

She is the voyager of independence, expression, authenticity, and curiosity. She invites self-expression and discovery while stoking ambition.

Brand Messages:

Take the road less traveled.

Brand Voice: 

Authentic, independent, curious.

Brand Vibe:

Bringing the natural world in, images of wild animals, arrows, moon, travel

Core Desires:

The freedom to find out who you are through exploring the world.

To experience a better, more authentic, more fulfilling life.


Patagonia, REI, Jeep, GoPro

Athena, the Sage


Athena, the Greek Olympian goddess of wisdom, protection, guidance, heroism, and handicraft.


She is the expert in education, information, exclusivity, and self-reflection. She is a wise, perpetual student. 

Brand Messages:

The truth will set you free.

Everything is a learning experience.

Brand Voice:

Educational, informative, exclusive, reflective

Brand Vibe: 

Muted color palettes especially blues and greens, books, journals

Core Desires: 

To use intelligence and analysis to understand the world


NY Times, Oprah, CNN, TED, Google

Archetype Wheel.png

The Brand Wheel

Keep exploring brand archetypes:

Structure Brands

Connection Brands

Legacy Brands

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